Mainely Thoughts Says Goodbye May 9, 2018Home, Maine Politics, Next,, Mainely Thoughts By Patricia Callahan And Jibbah Jabbah says hello!
Want improved health as you age? Try looking at your feet December 2, 2017health, Homefeet, physical therapy By Patricia Callahan Congress is too busy with tax cuts for the rich to worry about healthcare, so we better learn how to take care of ourselves.
Finding recovery using medical marijuana is real for many of us November 24, 2017health, Homeaddiction, medical marijauna By Patricia Callahan I’m trying to clean up a mess that kicked up around something I tried to post a week ago.
The governor really doesn’t need to worry about funding for MaineCare November 9, 2017Home, Maine Politics, Opinion, PoliticsGovernor Paul LePage, Mainecare expansion, Twas the Night Before Christmas By Patricia Callahan I borrow from Clement Clark Moore to keep things interesting … when out of the Blaine, there arose such a clatter, the governor said, Mainers’ votes just don’t matter.
MaineCare expansion opponents are venting their frustrations in the wrong direction November 5, 2017Home, Maine Politics, Opinion, PoliticsMainecare expansion, Question 2, Welfare to Work PAC By Patricia Callahan Denying our neighbors health care access won’t solve any of the problems highlighted by the opposition.
The MPA universal in home care proposal take 3: maybe Elon Musk can help October 27, 2017Home, Maine Politics, Opinion, PoliticsElon Musk, the Maine People's Alliance, universal in home care By Patricia Callahan Help with policy and help me finally get to my point, which is: we all need to start thinking like an AI is kicking our butts!
The Maine People’s Alliance senior care proposal: Take 2 October 24, 2017Home, Maine Politics, Opinion, PoliticsMaine People's Alliance, universal in home care By Patricia Callahan I hate writing follow-up posts because I know that a follow-up post means I failed to effectively communicate my thoughts the first time.
Maine People’s Alliance campaign turns pending problem into opportunity October 21, 2017health, Home, Maine Politics, Opinion, PoliticsMaine People's Alliance, senior citizens, universal in home care By Patricia Callahan The MPA has an idea that turns a pending senior care crisis into opportunities to preserve dignities and provide jobs.
The world’s been feeling a little less cool lately October 14, 2017Home, NextTom Petty, WBLM 102.9 By Patricia Callahan And yes, while climate change is a problem, I’m talking about life without Tom Petty.
Thank goodness for the Fraud Investigation Unit at DHHS October 8, 2017Home, Maine Politics, Opinion, Politicsformer HHS Secretary Tom Price, Fraud Investigations and Recovery Unit, Maine Department of Health and Human Services By Patricia Callahan I’m sure the feds will put the money they’re recouping to good use, like helping to pay down Tom Price’s transportation bill.